Buildings are generally designed by an independent architect. Wouldn’t it make sense to have an independent party involved in your installation? A designer who is not driven by self-interest, which greatly benefits the end result.
It is from this point of view that Soliqa Engineering delivers feasibility studies and process design. These are always independently based, so that you are guaranteed an optimal process design and yield. Efficiency, reliability and total cost of ownership are our main focus.
After deciding on the best installation, we project the lay-out in your existing or to be newly actualized building. On the basis of the end result we determine the budget, strongly focussing on the solution’s return on investment. This will prevent unnecessary investments and investment costs for our clients. Lastly, we can also organize the investment request, the list of requirements, and the quotation request.
Our end report and the technical documents are ideal for approaching potential suppliers. Because the delivery amount and specifications are fixed, the potential supplier’s offers will be equal in value to one another and comparable.